Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Don't miss YOUR chance to shape the future of cancer services in Ireland!!

I posted on Facebook recently about how the Department of Health here in Ireland have appointed a steering group to work on a National Cancer Strategy for 2016-2025.  The work hasn't yet started - there is a period of public consultation whereby the public (we and us) are able to make comments to the Department of Health and steering group (them) regarding our own views/opinions/experiences of cancer care in the country and how we think things should proceed. Now, this is a really important opportunity for 'us' to impact on what goes into that strategy document, we shouldn't waste this chance.  Having worked on a similar level of national document in the NHS (NICE Improving Outcomes for Brain and Spinal Tumours) in the past, I can tell you that each and every comment that comes in through the public consultation period is read, recorded and acknowledged. So lets imagine that we wanted an improvement in access to specialist cancer rehabilitation services - you know to help people get their life back on track once medical treatment has done its stuff. If only one member of the public mentions this in their feedback form, you could see how it would be easy for 'them' to assume that access to rehab services isn't really an issue, as only one person has brought it up......but if a hundred people mention that they are very concerned about lack of access to specialist cancer rehab, then it would be a little harder for the Steering Group to ignore this!!  I'm not trying to tell you what to include when you give your comments - there are many areas of cancer care that could be improved upon, but naturally as a physio working in this area this is one of my major concerns, along with the nearly non-existent provision for lymphoedema services. And just to put this into a bit of context - The National Cancer Strategy Document that was published in 2006 contains the words 'lymphoedema', 'lymphedema' (American spelling), 'physiotherapy' and 'rehabilitation' a grand total of ZERO times........can you imagine that - a strategy for cancer care that doesn't even contain those words which are so vital to the complete package of care offered to anyone having cancer treatment.
This is now 2015.  We have shed loads of research which support physiotherapy and rehabilitation as a key aspect of cancer care not to mention the countless models of comprehensive care around the globe where these things are already part and parcel of what is on offer.  Lymphoedema occurs in upto half of all patients who have some form of treatment to their lymph nodes - it is a BIG part of cancer care and it does need to be mentioned.   If 'they' get lots of comments via the public consultation process asking what they are planning to do to make sure that everyone who needs lymphoedema services is able to access them, or everyone that needs physio is able to access it as part of their total cancer management then they will have to address this and come up with a really good reason if these things are not contained in the document.    So please when you see the link is taking you to the DoH website, don't groan and think to yourself 'what's the point'......CLICK the link. It's here again for you (and you do have to click on the blue word 'here' on that page to access the document) and fill out the form.  Collectively our voice can be very LOUD!

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