Saturday, 2 April 2011

Where do I start???

You may have got here expecting to find information on physiotherapy and cancer and all things connected....and in time you will, but first please accept my apologies that I am very new to the 'blogging world' so am still trying to find my feet here.
I had every intention of setting up my blog this morning and posting up something on exercise and cancer - something that the viewer might find useful. But alas, the best laid plans and all, so I've changed tack.  I am going to tell you why I am starting to blog.....and it is all as a result of a conference I attended during the week (once I've learnt how to attach links to other sites, I'll link to it on here) which really challenged my own thinking on the use of the internet and social media in healthcare, and for me as a professional.  Apparently, and I can believe this, many people will approach the internet when they are looking for information on healthcare - why wouldn't we when there is a whole world of information accessible right at the end of our fingertips! I am also led to believe that nowadays people are not just looking for information, but also for the opportunity to interact and link in with others out there in that big wide world, which thanks to the internet seems to get smaller everyday.  So I was thinking to myself  'where do I fit in to all of this?'  And putting the 2 and 2 together was really simple - I might well have something somewhere locked inside my own brain, which I have collected on my journey over the years in my professional role which just might be of use to someone out there, so don't I have a responsibility to share that?
So that is the aim of my blog.  I qualified as a physiotherapist in 1997 and since then have worked in a variety of roles, but the majority of my time has been working with people who have a cancer diagnosis and who were going through treatment, surviving beyond treatment, living with cancer, or dying from cancer.  I must have worked with thousands of people from all different backgrounds, all with very different personalities, all facing very different issues and challenges - after all aren't we all individuals, and for me it has always been a great privilege and honour to be there and to help in any way I could.  Every single person I have worked with has also, in their own way taught me something, which I hope has made me better able to do my job, so I have an enormous debt to repay.....and hopefully I can start to do that through this blog.
So that's my first post done, check back soon.....please.


  1. Young lady, I could not sleep and so decided to read a bit, went to my own profile and clicked the cancer tag...and there you were. What a thoughtful person you are. I look forward to re-visiting your blog as you endeavor to share and connect to the greater planet. Blessings!

  2. Hi Joanne, great to see you on my blog today. Snap we have the same blog design ;0) My blog is very much a journal of all things OTHER than my work as a physio; I use it to keep my sanity in my busy world as a musculoskeletal physio in a very busy GP surgery!I have a special interest in Pain Management. The interaction with like minded people all over the world has been astonishing. I have only been blogging for 8 months and have visitors from over 30 countires (check this info out via you stats link).I think you will do well offering advice to people wanting help with your specialty. Good luck!
    Kind regards, Jane x
